最後記錄的perfect story系列,是The Merchant Enticed by the Pearl of Great Price,一個寓意很深、改編自聖經的故事。
一個純樸的海邊村落,是珠寶大亨Reuben的兒時家鄉,那裡很容易取得珍珠 ,也充滿許多善良的朋友。但Reuben與他的朋友們不太一樣,他愛珍珠、也喜歡研究珍珠,最後為了追求更完美的珍珠,他成為了世界級的珠寶商人。為此走過世界各地,見識過各式的人。
But although Reuben was rich, he was never completely satisfied. "Somewhere,"he said, "there must be a pearl that is utterly perfect. I shall not stop looking until I find it."
"If this is the pearl you want most in all the world, you must decide what you're prepared to give for it."
"Everything," replied Reuben.