又是一本以愛書的主人翁為第一人稱,主題為"愛閱讀"的繪本: Mom, Dad, Our Books, and Me,這次從愛讀書的一家人開始講起,一直到作者所認識的其他愛書人,作者說" Everyone around me reads"。像是:
" After five or six pages, Grandma's head is in the clouds." "Grandpa takes cover beneath a canopy and sinks into his novel." 作者簡單的各用一句話的形容奶奶與爺爺看書的神情。
"Uncle browses in a kitchen scented with eggplants and thyme." "Auntie reads sheet music. She tells wonderful stories made of sound."除了從書上閱讀,廚師在廚房裡讀著食材,而音樂家讀著樂譜、說著聲音的故事。還有"The fisherman reads the sky for coming storms." "A woman reads love poems in her boyfriend's eyes." "A tourist reads the time on his watch while checking the train schedule."..........
原來閱讀可以有這麼多形式,閱讀還能讓人有各種情緒,閱讀也能讓人find balance、climb high、follow new roads與move forward。
其實作者在一開始就提到: "I know how to turn pages, name pictures, and sound out words. I can read now. Like the big kids."受到家人的影響,孩子從小就開始喜歡做"閱讀"這件事,於是當他發現自己已能"讀"時,特別開心,因為他跟與其他人一樣長大了!這段不就是在形容現在的J妹嗎﹖
愛閱讀絕對沒有錯!"But as far as books may take me, I will never lose my way. Because books also bring us together: Mom, Dad, our friends, and me."
"Uncle browses in a kitchen scented with eggplants and thyme." "Auntie reads sheet music. She tells wonderful stories made of sound."除了從書上閱讀,廚師在廚房裡讀著食材,而音樂家讀著樂譜、說著聲音的故事。還有"The fisherman reads the sky for coming storms." "A woman reads love poems in her boyfriend's eyes." "A tourist reads the time on his watch while checking the train schedule."..........
原來閱讀可以有這麼多形式,閱讀還能讓人有各種情緒,閱讀也能讓人find balance、climb high、follow new roads與move forward。
其實作者在一開始就提到: "I know how to turn pages, name pictures, and sound out words. I can read now. Like the big kids."受到家人的影響,孩子從小就開始喜歡做"閱讀"這件事,於是當他發現自己已能"讀"時,特別開心,因為他跟與其他人一樣長大了!這段不就是在形容現在的J妹嗎﹖
愛閱讀絕對沒有錯!"But as far as books may take me, I will never lose my way. Because books also bring us together: Mom, Dad, our friends, and me."